Monday, November 17, 2008


Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go,
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!


Now where I am from, snow is a big deal.
We get like two inches and then we are out of school for two days.
And once upon a time, I lived next door to the most amazing neighbor ever.
I would stay over late at her house, watching to see if both of our school names would report that they were closing the next day. And we would yell for joy if they were!
Jessica and I would sled, make snow angels, build forts, play war, cuddle up close to the fire, drink hot chocolate, and even attempt to cross our icy creek in the backyard-that was a wonderful time.
And we just loved the snow... so much.
Snow is beautiful.
Don't you think?

Sunday, November 16, 2008


If the world didn't suck, we would all fall off.

Its so cold outside.
I can't get warm enough.

My best friend just left for home.
The place I live and want to be right now.

I'm sick with snot and headaches.
The medicine doesn't do anything.

The pile of homework never ends.
Procastination is definitely setting in.

You know what, I could probably tell you thing after thing, serious or not, that is making me sad right now. There's not really a point though.. Besides that life is depressing right now.
But I know this song, that I like to sing for myself when I feel like this.
It goes like this:

Be not dismaid whate'er be tide
God will take care of you
Beneath His wings of love abide
God will take care of you

God will take care of you
Through every day, o'er all the way;
He will care for you,
God will take care of you.

Through days of toil when heart doth fail,
God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail,
God will take care of you.

God will take care of you
Through every day, o'er all the way;
He will care for you,
God will take care of you.

:) I will make it.
and if you are feeling depressed.
You can too.

Thursday, November 6, 2008



Sometimes, you just feel like that.
And sometimes, you really don't know what to do.
Make sure you know for yourself.
Then comment and tell me how.

On a lighter note, there is a pink car staring at me.
and crying is a sign of weakness.
Spaghettios, some eat them hot, some eat them cold.
Why? What do you do? Is it because of your mood?
Is it a southern thing? A tulsa thing?

I live in Tulsa. I love turtles.
On election day, Tulsa, had a turtle race.
One turtle was Obama.
One turtle was McCain.
Thats insane.
My turtle necklace that I bought from Belize lost a foot somehow.
I must go back to Belize and get another one.
Marry me Elvis.
I am so kidding. I like a boy named Neil a whole whole lot.

So the real point of this blog, is I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BLOG ABOUT.
e.g. scooters, vacation, fall


Make you want to cry and shut them out of your life forever. You don't want to get hurt and torn, you don't want to believe in them for fear they will let you down and abuse you.
Sometimes, they make you want to put yourself in a room by yourself forever and die. Maybe that would be better than getting hurt, over and over. We're scared. We don't want to believe in anybody. There's no trust. You never know when you'll get stabbed in the back.

People let you down.
and it hurts, so bad.
What can you do?

Somebody tell me.
Give me something real.
That works.
There's your challenge.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Foreigners :)

Maybe not all, but in my case, it seems that many people from other countries are simply a lot nicer than Americans. They seem to be a lot more people-oriented and don’t get caught up in technology, television, or fame, because relationships are important to them. They smile a real smile and ask how you are doing and actually want to know. They do not appear to judge so quickly based on how you look or what you wear. They try hard to speak our language and strain to understand at least some of what we are saying back to them. They are honest with their thoughts and aren’t afraid to tell you them straight up, even if it’s not exactly what you want to hear at the time.
For example, the other day my Hispanic friend told me that I looked gross in a specific picture. At first I took offense and felt really bad about myself, but when I told him how I felt he explained that I wasn’t gross and that he thought I was pretty. However, that wasn’t a great picture of me since I was making a weird face. Then he went on a big spill about how it wasn’t the outside appearance that really matters, but the inside. He reminded me how the inside shows so much more about a person and that beauty does fade in time. It was very obvious that he was sincere and really believed and valued what he was telling me.
My roommate works with a foreign girl and has become good friends with her. Tonight they had dinner together just to talk and enjoy each others company. My roommate told me that her foreign friend really made her think about important things by asking her hard questions about God and life.
I know that anybody could be like this, but so far, it’s a lot more prevalent in the lives of my friends from other countries. Their focus is on each other, getting to really know people, and genuinely caring about them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


There is a book out by Rob Bell that is explores "the endless connections between sexuality and spirituality." You should buy it; it looks like this:
"SexGod is about relationships revelaed in a way that elevates the human condition and offers hope to those whose relationships are wounded." Publishers Weekly Starred Review
Rob Bell is a Christian author and pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His insight into the way he thinks sexuality is related to spiritually is very compelling and interesting. Like the quote above says, this book really does offer hope to those who have been wounded are searching for something better.
I am going to read it again and give more detailed insight to the awesomeness of this book. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Media's Affects on Girls

Sometimes I don't realize how often I am so strongly influenced by the media. There are so many aspects of my life that have been affected, but I would like to focus on the way it pressures the way I perceive my outward appearance. I feel like there is this expectation over my head, to be skinny, athletic, wear expensive and appealing clothes, have flawless tan skin, and have perfectly smooth soft hair. It makes me feel like if I attain these, than I will turn the heads of every guy, and if I don't, then something is wrong with me. The media puts so much emphasis of changing yourself to be hotter and to be in with the latest style. To try and keep up with the demands is impossible, unhealthy, and very dissatisfying.
When I get so caught up in trying to do all these things to feel prettier and better about myself, I ironically seem to get so much more stressed out and unhappy. The media makes it seem that if you look this certain way, that you'll be happy and that when you finally reach that point, you won't need anything anymore. However, it is an unending proccess because everything always changes, what shirt was cute one month, is an absolute disgrace the next.
We are bombarded every day with what we should do, to be what we should be. Some girls are really strong and believe in themselves. They don't seem to let what the media says they should be trying to be affect they way they live. I admire those girls. However, many girls are weighed down by all the pressure. It's hard to put trust in themselves with the manipulative media constantly feeding them a deceptive view of happiness. Some of the outcomes can be traced to debt, stress, eating disorders, depression, and even suicide. With this in mind, I think its important to take a second look at what our media is pushing onto girls today and take a stand against it.